Your productivity is a download away

With the Flynow - Productivity, you have access to the best methods of managing tasks, habits and goals to make your day work, create habits that really last and set effective goals to achieve your dreams and goals.


Why use our app?

Uncomplicate task management

With Flynow - Productivity, you can easily and conveniently add your tasks, appointments and meetings, as well as classify your tasks according to the Time Triad, choose categories, create checklists to track your progress in a given activity, establish schedules and notifications to be reminded of tasks and much more!


Ease the habit-building process

Want ease in the process of creating habits? Flynow - Productivity helps you! When you add a habit in the app, you define its Habit Loop (cue, routine and reward) and still get statistics on your performance in that habit.

Set really achievable goals

Flynow - Productivity also helps you to set goals that are actually achieved. Using the SMART Methodology, in the app you can easily set goals, in addition to choosing categories for your goals, relating habits and tasks and also viewing your progress.


Use statistics to your advantage

To top it off, you still have access to your percentage of completed activities, specific statistics for each task and habit, total points earned during the week, graphs referring to your Triad of Time and Wheel of Life, in addition to Weekly and Monthly Reports.

Receive Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Annual Reports.

With the reports you can view various statistics about your performance over the period. In addition to several graphs for you to understand how you can evolve.


Manage your tasks also through the browser and web extension

Access the app's features on your computer and manage your habits, goals and tasks with the Web Platform and Google Chrome extension.

Various Viewing Modes

Have 10 different viewing modes at hand: To Do, Timeline, List and Agenda in variations of 1 day, 3 days, Week and Month.


Tools: Notes, Timer, Daily Goal and Checklist

Add Notes and Timer for each activity frequency. Add daily goals to your habits and daily checklists to your tasks.

Gamification: Have fun in the process

What if you could have fun while setting tasks, creating habits and goals? With the Weekly, Monthly and General Ranking, you can view your position and that of other app users and motivate yourself to be increasingly productive.


What do users say about Flynow?

It is simply the best organization app that you live! I manage to organize half a day or more inteiro for him! It is easy to use, has a nice interface and encourages us to meet our objectives, as well as teaching how to set goals and classify tasks!

- Selena Maiko.

Of all the task management apps I've installed to test and use, this one is by far the best!!! It surpassed all my expectations, because it's very intuitive, lots of super useful tools, has appointment reminders, gives tips to create healthy habits in everyday life, and it's still free!!! Great!!! 10 for the creators!

- Carol Correia.

This app brought a lot of clarity to my day. I can organize myself and carry out my activities clearly. Congratulations to the Developers.

- Livia Rodrigues.

What app is that? Extremely sensational, it hardly gives you the possibility of creating goals, objectives and classifies -the elements explain or give you examples, it helps me not to confuse. What love, you are beaten.

- Renata Rodrigues.

Without a doubt, one of the best apps for those who want to increase productivity. In addition to organizing our day and making us more productive, we can have access to a ranking of who scored the most points. Very cool!!!

- José Leandro

Wonderful app, I can organize all my tasks, habits and goals, I never forgot to perform a task because it always reminds me. I've tested many other apps but this was the only one that met my expectations.

- Ingryd Martins

The only app that caters to your needs. Mourning against depression and I am determined to have a basic rotation, to start, and the application will help me a lot.

- Karine